TabView navigation stuck in tvOS

I’m implementing a carousel view for tvOS. In its simplest version, it would be:

struct HorizontalCarouselComponent: View {

    let contents: [ContentViewModel]
    var body: some View {
        TabView {
            ForEach(contents) { content in

With this version, I can see the content correctly and also the pagination. However, when I navigate using the arrow keys on the Apple TV simulator, I notice that some elements of the carousel become unreachable. For example, I can move two positions to the right, and even though there are two more positions, I cannot continue moving forward. Do you have any ideas on what might be happening?

@RichieAtCinfo Are you able to reproduce the issue on a physical device and not the simulator?

Today I will receive an Apple TV unit and will be able to perform the tests on a physical device.

If I use a physical device, Apple TV 4K 2nd generation, I cannot reproduce the erroneous behavior. Everything works correctly.

TabView navigation stuck in tvOS