How can I specify which git branch for Xcode Cloud to run a workflow on with a manual start condition?

We have all of our CD except for deploys in another provider for the moment. From that provider (Github Actions), we want to use the API to kick off a deploy/archive workflow. We're using the new manual start condition that gets called if everything else in our pipeline passes. However, it's not clear how to specify which branch to run the workflow on. I know you can get the ScmGitReference when the workflow is already running on a branch based off of other start conditions, but I want to allow the deploy to run on any branch, theoretically, and control whether the deploy workflow gets kicked off or not from my third-party location. How do I do this?

Hi @casperson,

You can also use the API to fetch all of the ScmGitReferences associated with your repository.

I recommend checking out Extend your Xcode Cloud workflows which covers a use case similar to what you're describing.

How can I specify which git branch for Xcode Cloud to run a workflow on with a manual start condition?