Xcode test coverage data missing for external swift source package library dependency

In writing swift packages, I'd like to put demos, tests, docs into a separate package from my library package (to simplify how the library is consumed).

But in Xcode (15.4 or 16 beta 4) after opening the package, I don't see any test code coverage information for the external package - only for package targets.

When using the scheme editor I didn't see anything on point in panels for Run/Diagnostics, or Profile. Same result when targeting local packages (using path: ../{package}).

When configuring a workspace with both packages, I could not run or configure tests.

Is it possible to get coverage for an external library module used by the test (assuming they are sources locally built)? Is there a (online) recipe?

Many thanks!

Xcode test coverage data missing for external swift source package library dependency