Xcode Cloud failing with server-side communication error

When exporting an archive....

NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=A non-HTTP 200 response was received (504) for URL https://developerservices2.apple.com/services/QH65B2/listTeams.action?clientId=[redacted]

Same here.

I am currently experiencing this too! Please let me know if you figure out what is going on.

Also experiencing this. Only started happening in the last few hours

It's been fixed server-side. Xcode Cloud status page was never updated to show the error or the resolution. 😐

I'm experiencing unusually long build times, maybe just demand as everyone catches up?

Not getting any errors, but 'Archive' action either never completes or stuck "pending". Anyone else?

@vincent123 I got a fast build and archive just now. Seems the earlier issues are cleared up? Give it a try.

This is also happening to us. The system status page says "Xcode Cloud - Resolved Outage": if it's the same issue, doesn't seem to be resolved.

Having the same problem today as well

Xcode Cloud failing with server-side communication error