Xcode Server Development Devices doesn't show connected Device

I have an iPhone 6s Plus connect to a MacBook Pro, although I've tried other devices as well. It shows up in Xcode and I can debug my application on the device. Also when I plug the device in it opens iTuens and shows up there as well. The problem is that it doesn't show up in the "Development Devices:" list of the Xcode screen of the Server app. As a result it doesn't show up in the devices screen when editing/creating a but either.


Server API v13

Xcode 8.3.1 (8E1000a), OS X 10.12.4 (16E195), Server 5.3 (16S4123)

SDKS: tvOS 14W260, iOS 14E269, macOS 16E185, watchOS 14V243

iPhone 6s Plus:

iOS: 10.3.1 (14E304)

Connected with an Apple cable!! 🙂

Does that device show up via Member Center/C,I&P/Devices?

I'm having the same issue. Xcode cannot find my iPhone 7+ since I've updated to 10.3.1 (14E304)....

Me to, but I just tried this for the first time today so it hasnt worked for me before.

macOS 10.12.5 (Build 16F73)

Server 5.3.1 (Build 16S4128)

Xcode 8.3.2 (8E2002)

Xcode Server Development Devices doesn't show connected Device