ARKit tracked images, best practices

I'm developing an augmented images app using ARKit. The images themselves are sourced online. The app is mostly done and working fine. However, I download the images the app will be tracking every time the app starts up. I'd like to avoid this by perhaps downloading the images and storing them to the device.

My concern is that as the number of images grow, the app would download too many images to the device. I'd like some thoughts on how to best approach this. For example, should I download and store some of the images in CoreData, or perhaps not store them at all?

Hey @jmot77,

It's good to be concerned with limiting the amount of downloading that your app needs. Redownloading an asset every time your app launches uses unnecessary bandwidth; depending on your users connection this may impact their data plan. I can't speak to what might be best in your case, but there are a few options that immediately come to mind.

Let me know if you have more specific questions,


ARKit tracked images, best practices