Local Network Access Permision

We are having a daemon which could connect to a on premise server for certain functionality. In Mac OS 15 beta we see that there is a local network access permission dialog when coming up and it requires a permission to be provided under privacy&security section of the system preferences.

Now we have also observed following behaviour also in local network access.

  1. The local network access permission would pop up only when both Server and Client are residing in the same network say (172.16.x.x.) in our case.

  2. The same server when accessed using a machine which is connected to the server using a VPN from external network "local network access permission does not pop up".

We have following queries for the above observations.

  1. Is there an MDM way of providing the permission ?
  2. How do we stop users from disabling the permission incase the user has admin rights?
  3. Is there a programatic way of providing this permission during installation ? if yes how can we do it.
  4. Another general question would be like does it really need a local network access permission this case ? how to navigate this as all most every other enterprise app might be facing this issue.
Local Network Access Permision