How to show scroll bars on a Swift Chart for macOS?

(I'm using macOS 14.5 and Xcode 15.4)

I have a Swift Chart on macOS that needs to scroll horizontally. Simplified version:

Chart(dataPoints) { data in
    LineMark(x: .value("X Axis", data.x),
             y: .value("Y Axis", data.y))
.chartXVisibleDomain(length: 10)

The above code works fine, except that it does not show scroll bars.

On a Mac with no trackpad, this means there's no mechanism to scroll the chart.

On my MacBook Pro with a trackpad, I can scroll the chart with a 2-finger swipe gesture, but there are no transient scroll bars to show the relative size of the visible part of the chart.

How do I add visible scroll bars to the chart so that I can scroll on Macs with no trackpad?

How to show scroll bars on a Swift Chart for macOS?