Requirements for Courses-Based App


I have a question about Section 3.1.1 of the App Store Review Guidelines regarding In-App Purchases.

Is it mandatory to include In-App Purchases in my app?

My app is an extension of my website, which has been online for four years and serves a large student base. We offer courses that students purchase through the website. Once purchased, they can access lessons, watch videos, download files, answer quizzes (optional), participate in group chats, and review courses.

In the app, users can view all courses and categories, access some free lessons to decide if they want to buy the course, and search for courses—similar to platforms like Udemy.

I do not wish to use In-App Purchases or any external payment systems within my app. Instead, I prefer that users purchase courses on the website and then access them via the app. I will not include external links, calls to action, or any mentions that direct users to purchase from the website. Essentially, I plan to inform users that purchases are not supported in the app, and they will understand this implicitly.

Is this approach acceptable?

Requirements for Courses-Based App