"Failed to install or launch the test runner" error

We have multiple Jenkins jobs running UI Tests on a Mac with a device attached.

This works most of the time but sometimes the tests don't run and the xcreport generated has an error like:

BCOVBRDCoverageUITests-Runner encountered an error in BCOVBRDCoverageUITests failed with:
Failed to install or launch the test runner. (Underlying Error: Failed to create directory on device 'Brightcove's iPhone 14 Plus' (00008110-000C54912246401E) to hold runtime profiles for application with bundle ID 'com.brightcove.BCOVBRDCoverageUITests.xctrunner': (null). (Underlying Error: The system failed to get the path on the remote device for the provided domain. (Underlying Error: The connection was interrupted.)))

Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas on how to get around it? Kicking off another job after seeing this behavior works fine. The failures seem to be random or we haven't noticed a pattern yet.

"Failed to install or launch the test runner" error