GKVoiceChat not working despite online game successfully connected online

Hello, First of all, I understand that GKVoiceChat has been deprecated and replaced by shareplay but for my situation, it does not seem useful as I will be matching with the random players hence I can not utilise the Facetime(Shareplay) capability.

I have set up a voice chat function using the GKVoiceChat object, my game connects with another player successfully but the voice chat does not work for some reason. The code snippet below is how I implemented it with the help of the tutorial from : apple (Start Voice chat between players)

class OnlineGame {
var voiceChat: GKVoiceChat? = nil

// When online game succesfully connected and game view loaded

 func startVoiceChat() {
        // Handle an unknown, connected, or disconnected player state.
        /// - Tag:voiceChatChangeHandler
        if voiceChat == nil {
            // Create the voice chat object.
            voiceChat = myMatch?.voiceChat(withName: "Gamesession")

        let voiceChatChangeHandler = { (player: GKPlayer, state: GKVoiceChat.PlayerState) -> Void in
            switch state {
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.connected:
                self.voicechatstate = 1
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.disconnected:
                self.voicechatstate = 2
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.speaking:
                self.voicechatstate = 3
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.silent:
                self.voicechatstate = 4
            case GKVoiceChat.PlayerState.connecting:
                self.voicechatstate = 5
            @unknown default:
                print("Player unknown state.")
        // Exit early if the app can't start a voice chat session.
        guard let voiceChat = voiceChat else { return }

        // Handle an unknown, connected, or disconnected player state.
        voiceChat.playerVoiceChatStateDidChangeHandler = voiceChatChangeHandler

        // Set the audio volume.

        // Activate the shared audio session.
        do {
            let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
            try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playAndRecord, mode: AVAudioSession.Mode.gameChat, options: AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.allowBluetooth)
            try audioSession.setActive(true, options: [])
        catch {
            print("ERROR: \(error.localizedDescription).")

        voiceChat.volume = 0.8
        voiceChat.isActive = true



Thats my implementation of it and hope it explains my issue. Thanks for your assistance in advance!.

GKVoiceChat not working despite online game successfully connected online