Live Activity Blanks out when lock screen sleeps.

I have a live activity, that works fine when the Lock Screen showing, but as soon as it "sleeps" dims down for always on display, everything in the widget disappears and an Activity Indicator(spinner), displays in its place, but non-animating.

What does your Live Activity do? How are you providing data? You can also plug your device into and see the system logs for processes involving your Live Activity to get more information.

WWDR- Software Engineer

It tracks a the progress of an upload to a server. The data is provided locally. I've tried to setting the data to static strings in the ActivityConfiguration, and it still has the same behavior.

let activity = try? Activity.request(
  attributes: activityAttribute,
  contentState: initialState,
  pushType: nil

I'm not seeing anything the other than <private> is not entitled to specify a scene target. Defaulting containingProcess target to <private> that happens at about the time the activity is created.

Live Activity Blanks out when lock screen sleeps.