Xcode Organizer Crashes "Last Day" filter not working

The "Last Day" filter in the crashes section of the Xcode Organizer, never has any crashes in it. If we use the "Last Two Weeks" filter, then you can clearly see that we do have crashes every day. They even show crashes for yesterday in the little graph in the "statistics" window.

So why dont they show up in the last day filter? Is there some hidden setting we don't have enabled?

This also seems related to the fact that the number of crashes from "yesterday" is always incomplete. i.e. waiting another day makes the number go up, implying not all crashes were included in the original number.

This means we have to wait two days to get the data from one day ago. Why?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 794131022

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We’d be happy to help investigate and identify if this is an Xcode bug. To assist us better, could you please provide the following information:

  1. Xcode Version: Go to Xcode > About Xcode, and copy the version number.
  2. macOS Version: Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner, then select About This Mac to find your OS version.
  3. Project Details: Create a new, minimal reproducer project (if possible) that demonstrates the issue. If the original project is too large, simplifying it will help us analyze the problem faster. Please share this project file(s).
  4. Crash File: If the issue causes an Xcode crash, please locate the crash file and provide it as an attachment. It usually has a .crash extension and can be found in the ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ folder.
  5. Steps to Reproduce: The clearer and more detailed, the better. Please provide a exact sequence of actions that lead to the issue. Screenshots and screen recordings are highly valuable.
  6. Any Additional Information: Any other relevant details, such as third-party libraries used, build settings, or any unusual actions that occurred before the problem started, could be helpful.

By providing this information, we’ll be able to reproduce the issue on our end with your project, if possible. This will help us determine if it’s a common Xcode bug or a specific configuration problem. If we find it’s a bug with Xcode, we will report it to Apple for further investigation.

In the meantime, please submit a complete bug report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

Please reply to this post with the Feedback ID number for the bug report you filed. We can then associate it with this incident and ensure the bug report is routed to the proper engineering group.

Be sure to test on the most recent version of Xcode available. The current status of your Feedback can be viewed in Feedback Assistant under Resolution. Here you can track if the report is still being investigated, has a potential identified fix, or has been resolved in another way. For more details on Feedback Status, please see “Understanding the Status of Your Feedback” linked here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/status.

Thank your for your patience and help!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We’d be happy to help investigate and identify if this is an Xcode bug. To assist us better, could you please provide the following information:

  1. Xcode Version: Go to Xcode > About Xcode, and copy the version number.
  2. macOS Version: Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner, then select About This Mac to find your OS version.
  3. Project Details: Create a new, minimal reproducer project (if possible) that demonstrates the issue. If the original project is too large, simplifying it will help us analyze the problem faster. Please share this project file(s).
  4. Crash File: If the issue causes an Xcode crash, please locate the crash file and provide it as an attachment. It usually has a .crash extension and can be found in the ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ folder.
  5. Steps to Reproduce: The clearer and more detailed, the better. Please provide a exact sequence of actions that lead to the issue. Screenshots and screen recordings are highly valuable.
  6. Any Additional Information: Any other relevant details, such as third-party libraries used, build settings, or any unusual actions that occurred before the problem started, could be helpful.

By providing this information, we’ll be able to reproduce the issue on our end with your project, if possible. This will help us determine if it’s a common Xcode bug or a specific configuration problem. If we find it’s a bug with Xcode, we will report it to Apple for further investigation.

In the meantime, please submit a complete bug report regarding this issue using Feedback Assistant (https://feedbackassistant.apple.com). For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

Please reply to this post with the Feedback ID number for the bug report you filed. We can then associate it with this incident and ensure the bug report is routed to the proper engineering group.

Be sure to test on the most recent version of Xcode available. The current status of your Feedback can be viewed in Feedback Assistant under Resolution. Here you can track if the report is still being investigated, has a potential identified fix, or has been resolved in another way. For more details on Feedback Status, please see “Understanding the Status of Your Feedback” linked here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/status.

Thank your for your patience and help!

Xcode Organizer Crashes "Last Day" filter not working