Why is VisionOS Barcode Scanning an Enterprise API?

I'm seeking insight on why the new VisionOS Barcode Scanning API is categorized as an Enterprise API and restricted only for proprietary and in-house apps.

I understand Apple's focus on privacy and I can see how this restriction could make sense for other Enterprise APIs like main camera access and passthrough screen capture.

Why is barcode scanning restricted from open apps? What makes barcode scanning more of a risk to privacy versus the unrestricted APIs for object tracking, image tracking, or hand tracking?

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Same here. I dont understand the rational For this api to be so restricted. I will post something in the Feedback assistant as well

Same here. I dont understand the rational for this api to be so restricted.

Did anybody actually managed to add the required entitlement in Xcode?

It's always erroring for me when trying to add com.apple.developer.arkit.barcode-detection.allow required in order to receive updates from BarcodeDetectionProvider.

I'm on Xcode 16 beta 3 (released yesterday), using automatic signing. It always fails with error

Automatic signing failed Xcode failed to provision this target. Please file a bug report at...

When I check the provisioning profile guts (in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Provisioning Profiles directory) it doesn't include that entitlement.

It only complains when adding this specific entitlement, not others non-beta capabilities.

Why is VisionOS Barcode Scanning an Enterprise API?