What is the info property of SwiftUI::Layer

What is the info property of SwiftUI::Layer?

I couldn't find any document or resource about it.

It appears in SwiftUI::Layer's definition:

struct Layer {
  metal::texture2d<half> tex;
  float2 info[5];

  /// Samples the layer at `p`, in user-space coordinates,
  /// interpolating linearly between pixel values. Returns an RGBA
  /// pixel value, with color components premultipled by alpha (i.e.
  /// [R*A, G*A, B*A, A]), in the layer's working color space.
  half4 sample(float2 p) const {
    p = metal::fma(p.x, info[0], metal::fma(p.y, info[1], info[2]));
    p = metal::clamp(p, info[3], info[4]);
    return tex.sample(metal::sampler(metal::filter::linear), p);
What is the info property of SwiftUI::Layer