FinanceKit Query for current AccountBalance

The 2024 WWDC video 'Meet FinanceKit' has a code example to get the latest 7 AccountBalance entries for a given account:

// Get latest 7 available balances for account

func getBalances(account: Account) async throws -> [AccountBalance] {

    let sortDescriptor = SortDescriptor(\AccountBalance.asOfDate, order: .reverse)

    let predicate = #Predicate<AccountBalance> { balance in
        balance.available != nil &&
        balance.accountId ==

    let query = AccountBalanceQuery(
        sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor],
        predicate: predicate,
        limit: 7
    return try await store.accountBalances(query: query).reversed()

This code does not compile, because the AccountBalance struct has no field named asOfDate - you need to inspect the currentBalance enum, switch over the enum type value, and then extract asOfDate from the associated value.

All of this can't be done in a KeyPath (as far as I know 🤷‍♂️), which I think means it's impossible to get recent balances, without specifying a date, or getting all balances, and then sorting them in memory.

Am I missing something? I'd love to be proven wrong :)


FinanceKit Query for current AccountBalance