Why does my universal links not work??

I implemented a universal link according to this guidance. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/717

However, my universal links seem to never work.

  • apple-app-site-association


  • Xcode settings

  • The link I am trying to open


  • team id

I validated with apple's analyzation that the server has no problem (with Setting app>Developer>Universal Links analysis.

What else should I check?? I am wasting a whole day with this. Please please help.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 792741022


Thanks for your post. It sounds like you've already watched the video on universal links and started implementing them using that resource.

I highly recommend checking out this comprehensive documentation. It walks you through universal links step by step, including how to debug them. This resource has resolved 99% of the issues I've encountered when implementing universal links for the first time, and it's also great for troubleshooting existing ones.


Pulling the file from the server, it seems correct to me, are you still having issues?

        "apps": [], 
        "details": [ 
                "appIDs": [ "JP9XJC6239.com.churiki.Henshin-Bike-Tomo", "F63UFYCFU3.com.vitamin-i.hajimenavi" ], 
                "paths": [ 
    "webcredentials": { 
        "apps": [ "JP9XJC6239.com.churiki.Henshin-Bike-Tomo", "F63UFYCFU3.com.vitamin-i.hajimenavi" ] 

Please, let me know after going over each step if you still have errors or questions and I can help you.

Accepted Answer

@tenna When did you upload your apple-app-site-association file? It takes a while for your device to retrieve rules from that file.

However you can switch off the toggle and switch it on again to make it happen immediately. (Setting app>Developer>Universal Links)

Can you clarify how you are testing the links? I've found that the simulator will not always open the links in my app, especially via Safari opening it in. The most reliable method for me has been to put the link into Reminders or another system app and then tap on it.


Thanks for your post. It sounds like you've already watched the video on universal links and started implementing them using that resource.

I highly recommend checking out this comprehensive documentation. It walks you through universal links step by step, including how to debug them. This resource has resolved 99% of the issues I've encountered when implementing universal links for the first time, and it's also great for troubleshooting existing ones.


Pulling the file from the server, it seems correct to me, are you still having issues?

        "apps": [], 
        "details": [ 
                "appIDs": [ "JP9XJC6239.com.churiki.Henshin-Bike-Tomo", "F63UFYCFU3.com.vitamin-i.hajimenavi" ], 
                "paths": [ 
    "webcredentials": { 
        "apps": [ "JP9XJC6239.com.churiki.Henshin-Bike-Tomo", "F63UFYCFU3.com.vitamin-i.hajimenavi" ] 

Please, let me know after going over each step if you still have errors or questions and I can help you.

Thank you all for the reply! I tried opening the link again this morning, and it worked!

Just had to wait for several hours to reflect the changes of apple-app-site-association.

Why does my universal links not work??