Obscuration of Specific Content in Screenshots on visionOS


I am currently developing an app using visionOS, and I am looking for a way to obscure specific content in screenshots. My app includes certain content that is exclusive to premium users, and I need to hide these parts when screenshots are shared on social media.

In iOS, I was able to achieve this by extending SecureField to hide specific Views or Images, but this method does not work in visionOS. I am seeking advice on the best approach to implement this feature in visionOS.


Specifically, I would appreciate guidance on the following points:

  • The optimal method for obscuring specific Views or Images in screenshots on visionOS
  • Any tips or tricks when using existing components similar to SecureField
  • Techniques or approaches used by other developers to implement similar features
  • Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Obscuration of Specific Content in Screenshots on visionOS