is it possible to turn on the torch while having the front camera open (swift/objective c)

I am using the UIImagePickerController with sourceType = .camera and cameraDevice = .front

I would like the user to be able to toggle the torch mode with this camera open. However, when the torch turns on, the camera is disabled (blurred out).

Is there a work around to accomplish this.

Any help/suggestions are greatly accepted.


We had the same issue with cameraDevice = .rear, the camera preview in the UIImagePickerController would freeze and blur when turning on the torch. Turns out the issue was that we enabled the torch on a different camera device than the one used by UIImagePickerController. When using the right input device, it works. On iPhone 13 Mini, we had to use .builtInDualWideCamera to turn on the torch while UIImagePickerController was active.

is it possible to turn on the torch while having the front camera open (swift/objective c)