Change in title bar behavior in Catalyst app when building under Xcode 16

I'm running into a change in behavior with the title bar when building our Catalyst app under Xcode 16 versus what we are seeing with the same code built under Xcode 15.

The title bar is hidden, as it should be in the Xcode 15 build. However, when building the same project under Xcode 16, the title bar is shown with the center contents of the navigation bar in the right pane being duplicated in the title bar (see screenshot at the end), which is undesirable.

The screenshots for both builds were taken in macOS Sequoia Beta Seed 1. The Catalyst Interface setting is configured to "Optimize for Mac" in the project file.

The scene's titlebar.titleVisibility property is set to .hidden, titlebar.toolbar is set to nil. UINavigationBar's appearance is configured with a preferredBehaviorStyle of .pad when running under Catalyst 16 or later.

Is this a bug or am I missing a flag or something that was introduced to Catalyst/UIKit that I've overlooked? I've also filed a feedback for this issue: FB14000006.

Thank you for your time.

A quick update. This is caused by the new tab bar for iPadOS. If you have a complicated app that uses UITabBarController in multiple ways, you can end up with a title bar with unwanted tabs that completely breaks your UI. There does not seem to be a way to disable this behavior, which I wish Apple would implements ASAP.

I am not sure if my issue is related, but it very well could be. In my case we are using a UISplitViewController and in one of the views, the right one, the title bar is not displayed initially. But if I push and pop something to the therein contain UINavigationController, it appears again. This is tested on Beta 5 of macOS Sequoia.

Change in title bar behavior in Catalyst app when building under Xcode 16