App Custom URL to be available only for Managed Apps

My application supports Custom URL Schema which is used to perform an open operation. My application is used as a helper app for MDM, hence it will be installed as a Managed Application. I want only the other Managed Applications to be able to invoke the Custom URL Schema and not allow it for unmanaged applications. Is there any such provision provided by Apple MDM protocol?

I'm not positive, but I believe the Managed Open In restrictions also affect opening apps via custom URL schemes. For example, if the allowOpenFromManagedToUnmanaged restriction is applied, when a managed app calls open with a custom URL scheme, and the app that handles that scheme is unmanaged, I would expect the call to fail.

I set allowOpenFromManagedToUnmanaged and allowOpenFromUnmanagedToManaged to false, but this did not work, as unmanaged applications can still invoke the URL schemes of managed applications.

App Custom URL to be available only for Managed Apps