Mac OSX Ventura + XCode 15.2 + iOS Device v17.5.1 == XCode cannot install built app onto device...


I have a situation.

I recently upgraded my iOS device from 15.1.1 to 17.5.1. I see that my version of XCode can no longer install and launch iOS apps onto the iOS device. Perhaps there are those in the Apple Community who are able to provide insight into my situation.

Professionally, I support older iOS applications. The Mac OSX on the machine where I do all the work is Ventura 13.6.4. That machine is running XCode 15.2. I see that my computer does not support XCode 15.3 and XCode 15.4.

Will I be required to upgrade the version of Mac OSX from Ventura to Somona for XCode to be able to install mobile apps that I've built onto this iOS device that has v17.5.1?

We resolved my problem.

I updated the XCode project(s) in question. The iOS target was changed from 12.0 to 14.0

The only question that remains in my world would explaining why I encountered the problems I was seeing, because I don't understand it.

Mac OSX Ventura + XCode 15.2 + iOS Device v17.5.1 == XCode cannot install built app onto device...