Notarisation failing with “The signature of the binary is invalid"

Error: { “logFormatVersion”: 1, “jobId”: “1654af2a-ff0e-46ff-8839-5c374e63228b”, “status”: “Invalid”, “statusSummary”: “Archive contains critical validation errors”, “statusCode”: 4000, “archiveFilename”: “”, “uploadDate”: “2024-06-12T05:33:53.719Z”, “sha256”: “28ffff0e2c33b2f57a9f1c25677e84232bfa04b1ef5341130afbbf18093ba0ab”, “ticketContents”: null, “issues”: [ { “severity”: “error”, “code”: null, “path”: “$BUILD_ROOT$/Desktop/collaborator.app_zg_ia_sf.jar/Contents/MacOS/applet”, “message”: “The signature of the binary is invalid.”, “docUrl”: "“Resolving common notarization issues | Apple Developer Documentation ", “architecture”: “i386” }, { “severity”: “error”, “code”: null, “path”: “$BUILD_ROOT$/Desktop/collaborator.app_zg_ia_sf.jar/Contents/MacOS/applet”, “message”: “The signature of the binary is invalid.”, “docUrl”: ““Resolving common notarization issues | Apple Developer Documentation”, “architecture”: “x86_64” } ] }

Why is the binary regarded as invalid and what remedy is recommended?

Look at the path in that error:$BUILD_ROOT$/Desktop/collaborator.app_zg_ia_sf.jar/Contents/MacOS/applet

You submitted, so that makes sense. Within that you have and within that there’s collaborator.app_zg_ia_sf.jar. The latter is a Java archive, but that’s close enough to a zip archive that the notary service will look within it. So, looking through these three levels of archives it’s found some code that’s not signed correctly.

I don’t maintain expertise in Java but my experience with other Java developers is that the Java build process often embeds native code [1] in a Java archive. That code isn’t signed properly, so when you embed the Java archive in your main app the notary service complains. There are there standard solutions:

  • Unpack the Java archive, sign the native code, and then repack it.

  • Change the build system to sign the native code before packaging it into the archive.

  • Relocate the native code out of the Java archive.

Beyond that, I recommend that you consult the support resources for your third-party tooling to see if they have specific advice on this topic. If not, we have general instructions in:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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[1] By native code I mean a Mach-O image, as defined in An Apple Library Primer.

Notarisation failing with “The signature of the binary is invalid"