Difficulties getting Xcode Cloud to automatically build when a commit is pushed

Hello! I'm having difficulties getting Xcode Cloud to see new changes to my files in my project that are being pushed. Previously, this was due to some network situation on my GitLab self-hosted server. This has likely been changed but I'm having difficulties because I tried to use an integration in GitLab for App Store Connect which isn't the same as Xcode Cloud and so as a result it didn't work. I tried starting over and setting up the system from scratch but the web hook hasn't appeared as it had done the first time I set it up.

Does anyone know how to set up the web hook manually for Xcode Cloud so that Xcode Cloud is notified when a new push and other relevant events occur in my repository? The web hook that was previously there would error when I tried testing it on the GitLab end, but since I had deleted it, the web hook is not longer present and I was unable to recreate it as part of the setup procedure because it was pretty opaque to me the first time around and I followed the procedure in the documentation to get it to work. Xcode Cloud works fine when I manually start a build.

Hi! You can follow these instructions to connect Xcode Cloud to your self-managed GitLab instance.

Then, you should be able to create a workflow triggered by changes to a pull request or branch.

If it still doesn’t work, could you share more specifics? What’s the exact error message you’re getting? Or — can you describe what you’re expecting to see, and what happens instead?

Last night I checked my configuration in GitLab and the web hook automatically appeared, though I received a no route to host error. This is most likely something wrong on the GitLab self-hosted server where I have my projects. I was most initially concerned about the creation of the web hook which has seemed to resolve itself. However, I am not 100% sure as to whether merely waiting is the correct procedure, and if so, for how long. I will update this post as new developments emerge if possible and will not mark this thread as solved until I figure out the situation with the web hook.

Interesting to hear that the web hook appeared magically, on its own, with no interaction on your part! That definitely doesn’t sound right.

I’m not entirely sure, but it seems to me that this might be more of an issue with GitLab than Xcode Cloud itself? I wonder if you mind find more people with specific GitLab expertise if you file a bug to their issue tracker?

I believe that the situation is a GitLab issue, but I won't know for sure until this weekend when I go through and see precisely what the situation is.

Difficulties getting Xcode Cloud to automatically build when a commit is pushed