tvOS Context Menu on LazyVGrid is selecting item below.

Context menu on tvOS LazyVGrid selecting wrong item. It works fine if selecting items on last row.

Testing on code from

I just added contextMenu

LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 40) {
    ForEach(sortedMatchingAssets) { asset in
        Button {} label: {
                .aspectRatio(16 / 9, contentMode: .fit)
                .contextMenu {
                    Button("Test") {}


Attached video with the bug -

I am seeing the same issue with my own code.

Curiously, if the aspect ratio of the image in the button is taller than it is wide then it works normally.

Seeing this as well. Adding a certain amount of padding to the view also seems to work as a workaround.

Unfortunately, all of the workarounds discovered so far change the visual design in negative ways.

tvOS Context Menu on LazyVGrid is selecting item below.