Dev documentation search is not accurate/complete

Posting here as I did not see a section for Dev Documentation portal

Using the search box in the documentation portal I searched for "frustum" hoping to find any APIs that game me control over frustum culling.

The search came up empty for hits in RealityKit.

Hours later I found the boundsMargin API which explains how it affect frustum culling.

I went back and tried the search again to verify the documentation search result were incomplete. frustum

on google worked fine.

Fixing this can save everyone time and stress.

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 790848022

Hi @richoncode ,

Thanks for bringing that up! Would you mind submitting a bug report at and pasting the FB number here? That's definitely a pain point and would love to see that addressed.

Accepted Answer

Hi @richoncode ,

Thanks for bringing that up! Would you mind submitting a bug report at and pasting the FB number here? That's definitely a pain point and would love to see that addressed.

Dev documentation search is not accurate/complete