Public generated asset symbols

Is there currently an option to make generated asset symbols public?

If not, would it be possible to set the generated asset symbol so they are public. It's quite common to have an apps design system implemented in a separate framework. Currently the generate assets symbols is useless for this as they can't be access in the framework consumer.

It would be great to add it to this new dropdown in Xcode 16 or along side it. (113704993 in the release notes) So the options would be Internal, Public and Off. This should affect the symbols, the extensions and the framework support.

(There's a post on the swift forums about this as well here:

Just replying here to get some more traffic on this.

It's kind of ridiculous that we still don't have this feature.

Bumping this thread. Making the generated asset symbols public would enable developers to remove lots of boiler plate code and/or reliance on custom build scripts. Right now it's just frustrating that Xcode generates the symbols but nobody can use them in a well structured modularized app project.

+1.... this is really useful

I also would like to use that with SPM.

I'm looking for this kind of feature as well!

+1 It would be really handy!

Public generated asset symbols