iOS VPN Issue -Disconnecting VPN from Packet Tunnel Network Extension Causes Loss of Internet Connectivity

Feedback Ticket: FB13812251

Problem Statement: We are currently facing internet connectivity issue with our VPN application where we try to disconnect the VPN from the Packet Tunnel Network Extension using - (void)cancelTunnelWithError:(nullable NSError *)error. Which API to use to disconnect the VPN from Packet Tunnel as VPN app is not running such that device retains its internet connectivity as soon as VPN disconnects.

Configuration: We have configured PacketTunnelProvider with the following settings: (NETunnelProviderManager *)tunnelProvider.protocolConfiguration.includeAllNetworks = YES; (NETunnelProviderManager *)tunnelProvider.protocolConfiguration.excludeLocalNetworks = NO; (NETunnelProviderManager *)tunnelProvider.protocolConfiguration.enforceRoutes = NO;

These settings are applied from the VPN app and allow us to successfully establish a VPN connection, with all traffic being routed through the tunnel as expected.We are setting above properties to address local net attack.

Issue we are facing: However, we encounter a problem when we attempt to disconnect the VPN from. When we call the following method from PacketTunnel network extension:

  • (void)cancelTunnelWithError:(nullable NSError *)error

Upon calling this method, the VPN disconnects as expected, but the device loses all internet connectivity and is unable to access any resources. This is not the desired behavior.

Observation : Interestingly, when we call the following method from the app side. The VPN disconnects and the device retains its internet connectivity. [enabledConfig.connection stopVPNTunnel];

We would like to achieve the same behavior when disconnecting the VPN from the Network Extension. So we are looking for an API that could be called from NE without causing any internet connectivity issue. Any guidance on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Observation : Interestingly, when we call the following method from the app side. The VPN disconnects and the device retains its internet connectivity. [enabledConfig.connection stopVPNTunnel];

Right, it looks like there was a response on the radar mentioning that this is happening because includeAllNetworks is set and cancelling the tunnel from the provider side can leave the system in this state. While this is being worked out, please disconnect the VPN from the application side or through the VPN UI.

I got this response from Apple: The behavior seen is expected with includeAllNetworks enabled. Once the VPN config is enabled, default drop is enabled, meaning traffic will be dropped unless they are tunneled. This is to prevent data leak across tunnel flaps. This sounds like exactly what is happening in your use case. If you leave the config enabled, and from your extension, you try to cancel the tunnel. This will leave the default drop enabled without tunnel, traffic will get dropped until tunnel comes back up.

Query: But Now Which API to use to disconnect the VPN on NE side so that it doesn't causes any internet connectivity issue?

iOS VPN Issue -Disconnecting VPN from Packet Tunnel Network Extension Causes Loss of Internet Connectivity