I have two AppleID's. I use one with my Apple developer account and the other is my primary AppleID that I mainly use for everything else. In the past, I have used them on separate MacBooks, but I am now trying to consolidate everything onto one MacBook.
I have created a Passkey for my Apple.com store account and that works well. However, when I try to log into an Apple developer related site (e.g. developer.apple.com), it initially offers to use my personal Passkey with an option to use different AppleID. When I select "use a different AppleID" and select my developer AppleID, it only offers to allow me to log in with a password or with a QR code using a Passkey on a different device.
Is it possible to set up a Passkey for my Apple developer account on the same MacBook that already has a Passkey set up for my Apple Store account? If so, what is the process to create it? If it helps, both of my AppleID's are members of the same Family.