App Managed Configuration in Declarative Management

Hello, We've been playing the app managed configuration with DDM recently and there is a few thing that we might be missing.

We're trying to replace our existing feature of app installation using the Install Command with DDM. Everything seems to be working as expected but we're having an hard time understanding how to keep an app installed with the ManifestUrl (custom IPA) updated on the device as well as custom apps deployed through Custom Apps with ABM.

We used to send new install command when a new version was released (either with manifest or custom apps) and this will trigger a new app install over the existing app keeping data and updating the app.

We however, cannot figure how to do this with App Managed Configuration with DDM. If we replace the configuration declaration (and therefore changed the declaration Identifier), the app will be uninstalled and then reinstalled again (but not all the time). In that case app data is lost as this is a fresh install of the app.

Is there a way to reinstall over an existing app an updated version of an app available through Manifest or with custom apps ?

The same question would apply to any apps unless I'm mistaken, how do we force apps to be updated?

Thanks for your help,


For apps using enterprise distribution, if you change the ManifestURL in the AppManaged declaration, the device will re-fetch the manifest. If the bundle-version in that manifest is higher than the installed app's version, it will update the app without removing it first. In fact, any changes to the declaration will trigger a re-fetch, including the ServerToken, but don't rely on that behavior going forward.

For apps licensed through Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager, there are no controls for directly triggering an app update. If the device has automatic app updates enabled, these managed apps are updated the same way. They will be updated automatically, though not necessarily instantly. The App Store has some sophisticated logic for choosing the best time to download and install apps without disrupting the user.

Thanks a lot @Engineer, There is two things I'm not sure to understand,

  • To trigger a re-fetch of the manifest we need to change the configuration identifier correct?
  • Currently also a ServerToken change will re-fetch the Manifest, but this is the behavior that we should not rely on? Or should we not rely on the full behaviour going forward?

Regarding custom apps on ABM, this will behave as any other apps distributed through ABM letting the App Store decide when to update and there is currently no way around this correct?

Also, the only way to support configuration when installing an app, does that mean we need to use the ApplicationConfiguration in a settings command to do that?

Thank you so much

App Managed Configuration in Declarative Management