ios 17.5.1 keyboard glitch on some batches on iphone 14+models(not all)

We are using Material Textfield iOS component (as directed by our client), , after ios 17.5.1 update, for all the material textfield on some iphone 14+ models there is a keyboard appearance issue, the keyboard starts to appear but dismisses immediately on tap of any textfeild,i.e material textfield component, apple's uitextfield works properly, we have an iphone 14+ with ios 17.5.1, for us it works without any issues, our app was uploaded using xcode 14.2, not sure how to fix this issue as we are not able to reproduce it, couple of users have reported this issue, it however works on all other iphone models!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated , i understand this is a third party SDK, but how to simulate this bug, if it is happening only on some devices and on the same device models we have, are working.

Same above has been raised via Feedback assistance, Recent Similar Reports used to be more than 10, now its None, nobody responds on Feedback assistance, nor are they informing if we need to raise a TSI, what is going on?

ios 17.5.1 keyboard glitch on some batches on iphone 14+models(not all)