mediafilesegmenter can't create format reader

I am using HTTP Live Streaming Tools to segment a spatial video (MV-HEVC) recorded by Vision Pro. I first used the macOS build on my MacBook, it works beautifully with the command:

mediafilesegmenter -r -f path/to/destination path/to/movie.MOV

But when I tried to use the CentOS build in a Docker container and segment the exact same file using the exact same command, it gives the following error:

can't create format reader /path/to/movie.MOV 561211770
Unable to find any valid tracks to segment.

I looked up the error code, it seems to correspond to kAudioSessionBadPropertySizeError. Any idea why?

For the CentOS build, one of system requirements listed in is


So is AVX or AVX2 required or not?

This seems only happen with spatial videos recorded with Vision Pro. It works fine with the ones recorded with iPhone 15

mediafilesegmenter can't create format reader