I'm trying to generate a protocol dependent for another one using Swift macros. The implementation looks like the following:
@attached (peer, names: suffixed (Dependent),prefixed (svc))
public macro dependableService() = #externalMacro (module: "Macros", type: "DependableServiceMacro")
public struct DependableServiceMacro: PeerMacro
public static func expansion (of node: AttributeSyntax,
providingPeersOf declaration: some DeclSyntaxProtocol,
in context: some MacroExpansionContext)
throws -> [DeclSyntax]
guard let baseProto = declaration.as (ExtensionDeclSyntax.self)
else {
return []
let nm = baseProto.extendedType.trimmedDescription
let protoNm = nm + "Dependent"
let varNm = "svc" + nm
let protoDecl: DeclSyntax =
protocol \(raw: protoNm) : ServiceDependent {
var \(raw: varNm) : \(raw: nm) { get set }
return [protoDecl]
When I try using it in my code like this
@dependableService extension MyService {}
the macro correctly expands to the following text:
protocol MyServiceDependent : ServiceDependent {
var svcMyService : MyService {
However, the compiler gives me the error:
error: declaration name 'MyServiceDependent' is not covered by macro 'dependableService'
protocol MyServiceDependent : ServiceDependent {
Do I understand correctly, that for some reason the compiler cannot deduce the name of the generated protocol based on the name of the extensible protocol, despite the presence of the names: suffixed(Dependent) attribute in the macro declaration?
Could anybody please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance