Auto layout issues on first generation Iphone SE

Hi everyone i am having trouble with layout. I am using storyboard for UI. While most of the iphone version are ok with my auto layout ... the first generation Iphone SE is giving me errors. To publish app on app store do i need it to be working perfectly on first generation Iphone SE too ? Any link or knowledge on layout for story board is much appreciated.


You have two problems to solve here, one horizontal, the other vertical.

Horizontally, it looks like you're placing the text fields relative to the top and leading (left) edges of the containing (parent) view. That makes them off-center on the smaller screen of the SE. Instead, you should probably center those text fields horizontally in the parent view, which is a different kind of auto layout constraint, but just as easy to use.

Vertically, you just don't have enough room to display all that stuff with that amount of spacing. You could try reducing the spacing — and you can try to use additional constraints to allow the spacing the expand a bit if there's enough room.

Or, you can keep your spacing but put your controls in a scroll view. If the device screen is large enough to show the entire contents of the scroll view, it won't actually scroll and the user won't be aware it's even there. On a smaller screen, the user can scroll down to see the rest of the view. (Having the button scrolled off the bottom isn't a great user experience, but you'll have to consider tradeoffs before deciding how to solve this.)

@Polyphonic thank for the input. Will look more into how to do the " allow the spacing the expand a bit if there's enough room" part.