iOS 17 MusicKit Song lastPlayedDate is always nil

Hey, I've been trying to fetch my Apple Music recently played songs for an app I'm working on, and I want to access the lastPlayedDate field. If I'm not mistaken, this field should exist for a Song according to Apple's documentation:

However, whenever I try to fetch this data, the lastPlayedDate field is always nil. All the other data I'm looking for, however, seems to fetch without issue. Here's the code I'm using:

//Request as described in Apple MusicKit
var request = MusicRecentlyPlayedRequest<Song>()
    do {
        let response = try await request.response()
        let songs = response.items.compactMap { song -> RecentlyPlayedSong? in
                let songName = song.title
                let songArtist = song.artistName
                let songAlbum = song.albumTitle
                let artwork: MusicArtworkType
                let preview_url = song.previewAssets?.first?.url?.absoluteString
                if let appleMusicArtwork = song.artwork {
                    print("Found a song, \(song) with lastPlayedDate \(song.lastPlayedDate)")
                    artwork = .AppleMusic(appleMusicArtwork)
                    return RecentlyPlayedSong(name: songName, artist: songArtist, album: songAlbum, artwork: artwork, preview_url: preview_url, lastPlayedDate: song.lastPlayedDate ?? Date())

I'm trying to map the response into a custom struct I made, but here's a sample of what's getting printed to the logs:

Found a song, Song(id: "1676362342", title: "pwdr Blu (feat. Brother.)", artistName: "Kx5, deadmau5 & Kaskade") with lastPlayedDate nil
Found a song, Song(id: "881289980", title: "Worlds Apart (feat. Kerli)", artistName: "Seven Lions") with lastPlayedDate nil
Found a song, Song(id: "1501540431", title: "What’s Done Is Done", artistName: "Seven Lions & HALIENE") with lastPlayedDate nil

Even though I just listened to these songs a a few minutes ago. Anyone ever run into this issue before? Any settings I need to look at changing to get this to show?

The link you provided to the documentation says, "The date when the user last played the song on this device." (my emphasis).

Is it possible that the song has never been played on the particular device you're using? Is it a Simulator, for example?

iOS 17 MusicKit Song lastPlayedDate is always nil