Github Remote Repository Errors - No merge base found

Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated. Is it a process error, set-up error or should I be raising a ticket for this?

I continue to have 2 error messages when attempting push/pull to remote repository. Example:

  1. Create new project on Desktop using Xcode, File/New Project (tick 'create Git repository on my Mac').

  2. Change 'ContentView' text to “Hello world!2”.

  3. Integrate/Commit, stage all, amend, commit.

  4. Create new remote repository (I have checked GitHub and a new repository has been added).

  5. Change 'ContentView' text to “Hello world!3”

  6. Integrate/Commit, stage all, amend, commit. - all looks fine so far

  7. Integrate/push to origin/main:

Error message: “The local repository is out of date, make sure all changes have been pulled from the remote repository and try again”.

There is now 1 up and 1 down arrow next to the branch.

  1. Integrate/pull

Error message: "An unknown error has occurred. No merge base found".

I have tried this several times with same response, using iMac with Xcode 15.3, also tried with Xcode 15.2.

Github Remote Repository Errors - No merge base found