Failed to request allowed query parameters from WebPrivacy


I am running into an error on XCode 15 (iOS 17+). When I am trying to play an iframe on the app. I see this error popup.

Warning: -[BETextInput attributedMarkedText] is unimplemented
Failed to request allowed query parameters from WebPrivacy.

How do I fix this issue? I never saw this before so I am sure it is new. The app use to run fine as well.


I did find this on Apple's documentation, but I assume there is more to issue.


Can anyone maybe provide more information? —————————————————————————

  1. Does their app work or does It show a blank screen?

  2. Did this error happen after updating the Xcode?

  3. Cloud it have anything to do with the Privacy files that Apple recently introduced?

  • For my use case:

    I am using a WebView that is showing an iframe from Facebook but I am receiving only the black background and the iframe isn't showing.Yes, it happened after the Xcode update.I thought it might, but I have added the privacy manifest. I am still seeing the same errors.

    Note: When the users receive a push notification when we go live it directs them to the same WebView but it shows without any issues. The only thing I am doing differently is I preload the content.

  • I’m using the capacitor / ionic framework I’ve spoken to someone in their team who told me it‘s a bug on Apples side. My app works without bugs etc. and also the errors appeared on my side after xCode update. it’s strange that so many people experience the same error at the same time with no changes required.

  • @VAOW : I agree. I believe it is from Apple side. I will just ignore it for now until we get some feedback from Apple.

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