SwiftUI chart - take screenshot of the chart view on macOS

Hello all, if I enable the .chartScrollableAxes(.horizontal) and .chartXVisibleDomain(length: length) for a chart view to zoom in the screenshot of the view misses the graphs.

I use this extension: `extension View {

@MainActor func snapshot() {
    let renderer = ImageRenderer(content: self)
    if let exportImage = renderer.nsImage {
        let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general


The screenshot is taken with:

Button("Snap") {
                      let view = ChartView(text: $statusText, length: $chartLength)
                              .frame(width: 1500, height: 500)

If I omit .chartScrollableAxes(.horizontal) the snapshot is ok and the graphs are visible in the image but then a zoom is not possible and the whole range is shown.

Any ideas?

Can you please file a feedback? Please include .chartScrollableAxes and "scrolling" in the title, and provide a minimal reproducer code.

SwiftUI chart - take screenshot of the chart view on macOS