[Xcodeproj] Consistency issue: build setting `IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` has multiple values

Generating Pods project
[!] An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile.

[Xcodeproj] Consistency issue: build setting `IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` has multiple values: `{"Release"=>"9.0", "Debug"=>"9.0", "Profile"=>"9.0", "Debug-production"=>"14.0", "Debug-internal"=>"14.0", "Release-production"=>"14.0", "Release-internal"=>"14.0"}`

I am on CocoaPods 1.15.2 and Xcode 15.3. I've looked through all of the build settings in Xcode, etc, and cannot find any references with the version numbers in the error message. All versions are the same across build types.

Has anyone ran into this issue running pod install?