Describing data use in privacy manifests warning email

I am new to coding so pardon my naivety. I made a simple app for my company where customers can place orders and leave their names and phones numbers. Upon placing an order the app creates a collection in Google Firebase then generates an email with some HTML code. My app does not use any API's directly, and I believe I received the warning email solely because of the Firebase SDK like many others. I updated my app with what I believe to be proper "declaration of the data collected by my app or by third-party SDKs" according to - but I am wondering if I actually did it correctly!

See Attached

Ok I realized it was wrong. You must select from a valid list of reasons provided in the documentation link above. Since the email warned me about 3 different areas of privacy that should be annotated, I was sure to include them. Updated screenshot attached, submitted, and received no warning email.

Describing data use in privacy manifests warning email