XCode Cloud xcodebuild archive timeout

For some time now XCode Cloud build keep failing with:
The step invocation hit a user timeout. The xcodebuild archive invocation timed out. No activity has been detected on stdout, stderr or the result bundle in 30 minutes.
This happens specifically on Asset catalogs processing. In my case the app has like 8K images, with most of them tagged via Apple's ODR system so only the assets user needs are loaded, but the associated build step still takes a lot of time, usually 90+ minutes.

It was fine before the timeout got implemented. Is there any whay to raise the timeout for a specific project? As it stands now the XCode Cloud is useless for this project as it can't do what it was intended for.

This happened for me as well, it waits in compile swift files step almost forever and eventually fails with time out

XCode Cloud xcodebuild archive timeout