CPGridTemplate/ CPListImageRowItem support on iOS13

I want to create a CPListImageRowItem/CPGridTemplate for the audio app which supports from iOS 13. for iOS14 and above I can able to do that with CPGridTemplate/ CPListImageRowItem but in iOS 13 how can we do? Because to support audio app from iOS13 I am using MPPlayableContentManager. So, are we able to achieve it iOS 13? Grid Should look like below image

Please Suggest any way to achieve this kind of design? Thanks in advance.

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 784369022

Audio templates, including CPListTemplate and the CPListImageRowItem, are only available starting with iOS 14. For users on iOS 13 and earlier, you can implement MPPlayableContent in the same app, and those users will get a playable-content based UI, while users on iOS 14 and later will get audio templates.

The image above, showing a CPListImageRowItem, is only available with audio templates in iOS 14 and later. There is no equivalent UI for this element in playable content.

Accepted Answer

Audio templates, including CPListTemplate and the CPListImageRowItem, are only available starting with iOS 14. For users on iOS 13 and earlier, you can implement MPPlayableContent in the same app, and those users will get a playable-content based UI, while users on iOS 14 and later will get audio templates.

The image above, showing a CPListImageRowItem, is only available with audio templates in iOS 14 and later. There is no equivalent UI for this element in playable content.

CPGridTemplate/ CPListImageRowItem support on iOS13