Missing API Decleration - Request for Not Used Privacy Accessed API Categories

We received an email from App Store Connect with the subject 'uploaded build for {AppName} has one or more issues' regarding our latest package, {versionNumber}' The email states that we need to add an App Privacy Manifest for our extensions before May 1st, and it specifies which categories need to be added.

However, some of the categories mentioned, such as NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime, NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp, NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace, are not used from our application.

Do we still need to add these? If so, under which 'Privacy Accessed API Reasons' code should we add them?

You need to check if those symbols are present in your executable. You can do this with objdump or nm. There have been other threads on the forum about doing that, which you should be able to find using search.

Missing API Decleration - Request for Not Used Privacy Accessed API Categories