LocalizedStringRessource Initialisers Not Available For Most SwiftUI Views

I was wondering why the Text View in SwiftUI is (as far as I know) the only View that accepts a LocalizedStringRessource in its init. Are there better alternatives? I know there is LocalizedStringKey, which works great with SwiftUI Views but is limited if you want to access the localised string in non-UI code. This results in the inconvenient situation of writing code like this:

struct LocalizedView: View {
    let localizedString = LocalizedStringResource("Localize Me!")
    var body: some View {
        // Does not work
        // Label(localizedString, systemImage: "questionmark")
        // Inconvenient
        Label(String(localized: localizedString), systemImage: "questionmark")

Best, Chris

LocalizedStringRessource Initialisers Not Available For Most SwiftUI Views