Xcode Cloud + Swagger-Codegen


I tried to put in place a workflow to automatically generate API data model using Swagger-Codegen on Xcode Cloud.

In the ci_pre_xcodebuild.sh we install swagger-codegen using brew. But installation fails due to uninstalled Apple Command Line Tools.

Error: python @3.12: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed.

Any thoughts about this ? Regards,

Answered by Skyn3t in 783285022

We experienced the same issue with sonar scanner. We fixed it by adding brew install --build-from-source python@3.12, which seems to work, but I am not happy with this solution, because it adds a few more minutes to the build duration and could break again in the future. I would prefer if Xcode Cloud had the command line tools preinstalled or some other solution...

Accepted Answer

We experienced the same issue with sonar scanner. We fixed it by adding brew install --build-from-source python@3.12, which seems to work, but I am not happy with this solution, because it adds a few more minutes to the build duration and could break again in the future. I would prefer if Xcode Cloud had the command line tools preinstalled or some other solution...

Xcode Cloud + Swagger-Codegen