MusicLibraryRequest: can't query track by title?

I'm trying to find a library item by title and artist but it returns 0 items. Example below for existing track in my library.

With title filter commented out, it successfully gives me all library items for that artistName. If I add the title filter, or have only the title filter, I get 0 items. Why is that?

                var request = MusicLibraryRequest<MusicKit.Track>()
//                request.filter(matching: \.title, equalTo: "Crises (Remastered 2013)")
                request.filter(matching: \.artistName, equalTo: "Mike Oldfield")
                let response = try await request.response()

I can find the track by filtering the returned tracks by artist, but I feel this might not be an ideal approach if I have a bunch of tracks to find, possibly by different artists.

The reason I'm not querying by id is that I'm planning to do this sort of query for non Apple Music items and if I'm not mistaken there is no cross-device id for those (even with Sync Library on). If I have the app on multiple devices with the same Apple ID looking at the same library, I want device 2 to find the track you interacted with on device 1. If there are better ways to solve this, any ideas are welcome.

Appreciate any help.

It seems I was mistaken regarding cross-device ids for non Apple Music items. I'm able to see matching ids on different devices for the same tracks.

The question remains, why is it not possible to query tracks by title?

MusicLibraryRequest: can't query track by title?