Adding privacy manifest blocks BLE communication at background when there are multiple reader

Dear Developer Community,

I recently implemented privacy manifest changes in accordance with Apple guidelines. However, have encountered unexpected issues with BLE communication while our app was running in the background when there are multiple reader.

During local testing in both debug and release modes within Xcode, have not experienced any problems with BLE communication, even with multiple readers.

However, upon uploading the build to TestFlight for testing, i found that communication was being blocked when multiple readers are there. This behavior was quite perplexing.

Upon further investigation, I decided to revert the privacy manifest changes and retested via TestFlight. Surprisingly, we did not encounter any issues with BLE communication.

I am reaching out to this forum to inquire whether anyone else has encountered similar issues with BLE communication. Additionally, I have submitted a report via Feedback Assistant to seek assistance from Apple. I am particularly interested in understanding if any core logic related to BLE is affected by the privacy manifest changes.

As Apple has mandated the inclusion of the privacy manifest for App Store submissions starting from Spring 2024, any insights or assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Can you share your Feedback ID?

I'm just wondering. Was there anything about BLE in 'Privacy Manifest'??

Adding privacy manifest blocks BLE communication at background when there are multiple reader