Is there a reason why the colors are displayed differently in the mail related to Privacy Manifest?

This is the mail I received from Apple while testing. If you look at it, it shows that there are two items that are problematic.

As you can see, "ITMS-91053: Missing API decimation" shows the same problem in both, but the colors are displayed differently. (Purple, Gray)

There were four problems in the mail I received while testing more, but all of them received the same color.

Is this just a mail error?? Or does the color have a meaning?

Answered by ProfessionalMat in 782707022
  1. Gmail? Gmail seems to highlight some text in purple to signify that its duplicate text. Possibly from the same message chain, i dont know the exacts on this but its nothing to worry about.
  2. This might come in useful for the XCPrivacy Api issues...

Apple Docs for Privacy Manifest And a Flutter github issue board talking about this issue...

Accepted Answer
  1. Gmail? Gmail seems to highlight some text in purple to signify that its duplicate text. Possibly from the same message chain, i dont know the exacts on this but its nothing to worry about.
  2. This might come in useful for the XCPrivacy Api issues...

Apple Docs for Privacy Manifest And a Flutter github issue board talking about this issue...

Is there a reason why the colors are displayed differently in the mail related to Privacy Manifest?