When I tap on the TextField within a Form, the content appropriately shifts upward to accommodate the keyboard, as expected. However, upon dismissing the keyboard, the content doesn't return to its original position in a single smooth transition. Instead, it moves down in two distinct steps, which is not the desired behavior and seems unusual. Contrastingly, when using a ScrollView in place of a Form, this issue does not occur: the content shifts down just once and returns precisely to its initial position, as it should after the keyboard is dismissed. I am looking for a solution to ensure that within a Form, the content moves back down only once to its exact original position when the keyboard is dismissed.
IOS version: 16.0
My code:
var body: some View {
Form {
ForEach(0 ..< 40, id: \.self) { index in
TextField("input\(index + 1)", text: $inputs[index])
Video link:(https://imgur.com/a/UAV55T5)
I am expecting the content to adjust smoothly and return to its initial position without any unwanted movements.