xcode 15 LS instead of LF in the xcloc files


I'm parsing iOS localization files and during tests with xcode 15 i noticed new lines appear in the xcloc files with LS instead of the usual LF i was used to.


  • is this the default behavior in xcode 15? Has this changed with this version?
  • is this controllable by any settings?

Disclaimer: not a iOS developer here, please pardon any confusions and have patience.

I presume that “LF” is referring to the U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character. Can you explain what you mean by “LS” in this context?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Hi Quinn,

Thanks for the reply.

Line Feed U+000A and Line Separator U+2028.

xcode 15 LS instead of LF in the xcloc files